Thursday, October 29, 2009

Surprisingly insightful junk mail texts

Seemingly not advertising anything in particular. They made it through my spam filter, so there must be something special about them.

long lust, true artists don't cling to their creations

Yours sincerely.
find the results of your reactions and trace their roots, innpeeper

All the best!
smoke the joke, violence changes things

Yours sincerely.
slave auctions house, major defections in mid-term elections

Thank you for staying with us!
stored to death, social wanker

We're always here for you!
lost money, clit on a huftin poof

Best wishes.
look behind the bullshitter's lines, poncy putwork

Best wishes.
tut for tit, spot what it takes

stencilled in, love wait relationship

We're always here for you!
dumb appreciation, flirt box

Have a good time!
writing up time, neurosis of nationalism

Yours truly.
mans best end, police speed craps

Yours faithfully.
where there's no reaching up, there'll be no reaching down, have out the same

Enjoy yourself!
pension funds fat cats with members money, telling vision crews

Enjoy yourself!
strife saving, guilty as hell

All the best!
unhappiness depends on imagination, smirking party

We're always here for you!
you and bores, quirky clean

With best wishes.
sup in arms, who puts meaning in meaningful patterns?

Have a good time!
chainstore centres, crime is money

And my personal favorite:

Have a nice day!
thinkmanship, nothing is worth anything except the alleviation of suffering

So it appears the perfect way to write an enigmatic junk mail text is actually quite formulaic. Start off with a friendly, banal greeting, then add something totally random and actually quite philosophical.

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