Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Nature's most bizarre creations

This website is exactly why I started this blog.

From a collection of Lovecraftian creatures to traumatic insemination, this site features creatures so strange you'll want to siphon SETI's budget to deep sea exploration.

Can you believe this??? I'm so happy to live in a world where Mother Nature can still shock me.

Here's a sample:

Despite looking like a Japanese tentacle rape about to happen, that is a Glaucus Nudibranch; a sea slug that swims the ocean like a fish, and eats the tentacles off of Portuguese Man Of Wars. I'll let that sink it; the deadly siphonophores mentioned earlier in the list? These things eat them. And what's better? They store the nematocysts; the stinging cells, to use for their own defense. Imagine you could eat bullets and shoot them out later without a gun; it's kind of like that.

P.S. I am totally terrified of that naked chimp. Uncanny Valley!

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